Privacy policy



Pursuant to Art. 13 section 1 and 2 of the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) we inform you That:

The administrator of your data is:

SimaxTkaniny S.Lorek Sp. k., e-mail address:

You can contact the Personal Data Protection Inspector via e-mail:



What is the purpose of processing your personal data?


  • marketing activities
  • analysis of website activity
  • preparation of statistical data


Why do we process your data?


Leaving your data on the websites is voluntary. The basis for data processing is your consent, which also results from the personal settings of your web browser. Lack of consent to retain your data will prevent us from sending you marketing information and information about competitions.

Who can receive your data? Where may your data be transferred?


The recipients of your personal data are or may be employees and collaborators of SimaxTkaniny S.Lorek Sp. k., and subcontractors in the field of services related to marketing and maintenance of websites, and Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Pixel. The indicated recipients have undertaken to process personal data in a way that guarantees a level of security adequate to the risk of personal data processing. Your data may be transferred to recipients from third countries, i.e. from outside the European Economic Area as part of activities with the following companies: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook and Pixel.

Profiling and monitoring your activities on our websites:

Your data is subject to automatic profiling, but this will not produce any legal consequences for you. Profiling personal data involves automated data processing to predict personal preferences and interests. We would also like to inform you that in order to disable tracking of your activities on our website, you can use the application:


How long will we store your data?


Your data will be processed and stored depending on the period of use of Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Pixel IT technologies.

What are your rights?


You have the right to demand from SimaxTkaniny S.Lorek Sp. k. rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, receipt and transfer to another administrator, access/inspection of the transferred personal data, and you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority such as the President of the Personal Data Protection Office. Profiling is used in Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Pixel. If you object to profiling, please change your browser settings.

How do we ensure the security of your data?

Your data is processed by SimaxTkaniny S.Lorek Sp. k. using IT systems ensuring security of data processing (including data transmission encryption, SSL certificates, periodic software updates) with technical and organizational measures ensuring a level of security adequate to the risk of processing.


By using the website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you should change your browser settings appropriately or refrain from using the website.


What are cookies?


Cookies are small files saved and stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit various websites on the Internet. A cookie usually contains the name of the website it comes from, the “lifespan” of the cookie (i.e. the time it exists), and a randomly generated unique number used to identify the browser from which the website is connected.


What are cookies used for?


  • They help the website run faster and be easier to use,
  • They help you better match content and ads to your expectations and interests,
  • They are used to collect anonymous statistics that allow us to understand how the website is used and help improve their functionality and content.


Types of cookies used on the website.


session qtrans_cookie_test, WP-cookie-info, icl_current_language (WordPress) Storing the user’s session ID and current language version.


external entities PREF, testcookie, khcookie, NID, SNID, _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz Google Maps, Google Analytics, Google Ads – Collecting anonymous statistics. More: NO


Configuring and deleting cookies


By default, the web browser allows cookies to be placed on the end device. These settings can be changed in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform each time they are sent to the user’s device. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

Do you want to know our offer?
